Monday, August 6, 2012

The carbon dioxide as an enemy of life; The Triple Crisis, and the controversy between Green Eco Cities and Villages

By Alfredo Armando Aguirre

We begin this communication, making explicit that it passes through the path of scientific publication. Prior to the start of writing, the 1st. June 2008 of the Gregorian calendar, just as we in the communications that come asking for a little more than three decades, we consider the problem of granting title, label the backbone character we assign to our messages. The magnitude of the issue was finally, should proceed to assemble in a title, the three that we had happened, and so ended up in a style of written certification was proper in previous centuries. Having already passed the age of sixty-minded people say humanistic, ay an event that marked us: The Conference of Stockholm Environment 1972.En Argentina, a strip of such vocations, we "hit" even with more intensity projections of the event, given the impact and outreach of the subject, who was three times made the constitutional president of Argentina, General Juan Domingo Peron. In turn, before the coup of March 1976, Secretary of Press and Publications Department of the Government, edited four volumes, containing the addresses of Peron, from June 1973 until June next year.

Have doubts about the magnitude of the distribution of that material was, but in it are attested the recurrent references to the contents of that conference. Over time it became clear that four months before it, and in the same intellectual climate that produced the report Meadows on "The Limits of Growth", and "Gaia Hypothesis" by James Lovelock, even in exile Perón in Madrid issued its "Message to the Governments and Peoples of the World" message sent with some slight modifications to the Non-Aligned Conference "held in Libya next year. Sensitized by the preaching and the impact of the release oil price quote, be decided by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in 1973, we have been studying the issue since then and we were turning in communications since mid-1977. In this communication does not aspire to more than an update of the theme, in the light of new information or knowledge, we are coming across sites that encourage: Culture Change (, and Global Warming Crisis Council (https:// / www / info / GWCC) Both sites broadcast their content in English, from the United States of America, and opinions echo that usually does not have much impact on the global mass media.

If this limitation, there is the fact that Argentina is no majority who read English as well as the reluctance in some quarters of what we call "Humanists" there to contents of that language, in our opinion we believe that these allow you to update content on a question, nothing more and nothing less than the continuation of life on planet earth. With more drama, makes the continuity of our lives, or the generations that follow us, our children / as, our nephews / as, our grandchildren / ace. There are many warnings issued since 1972 that, until the present. We list does not imply that eased some input from others. Just mention: the complaint of a triple ecological crisis, energy and food, the Declaration of Macchu Picchu in 1977, the signing of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of ​​1982, to the creation in 1987 Panel United Nations Expert on Climate Change and this year Bruntkland issuing the report "Our Common Destiny," The XXI Agenda 92 adopted by the echo in Rio de Janeiro. In Argentina, it creates the Ministry of Natural Resources and Human Environment in 1973, but the 1976 coup, arrested their accomplishments.

In 1991 he created the Federal Council on the Environment and Eco post-92, Federal Environmental Pact signed in 1993, whose imprint is included in Article 41 of the Constitution amended in 1994.Habría to wait until late 2002, Argentine Parliament to make operational this constitutional provision, with the enactment of Law 25,675, call General Environmental Law, whose current enforcement authority exercised by the Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Cabinet of Ministers. Remember that the Argentine Parliament has ratified several conventions Emerging Agenda XXI and the Law of the Sea Convention mentioned above, and that the same 1994 reform, these treaties gave a higher hierarchy than laws. Thus Argentina has entered the corporate level in the environmental world order joint. This certifies that the question before us is concerned about the agendas of international, regional and the national governments. But at the Argentine hace_ us - and this is obviously debatable - that as we went down to the provincial government agencies, municipalities, the agendas of the institutions of public goods and those of our households, the question will minimize, if not directly there.

To internalize the issues that this paper results on the agendas of municipal entities, institutions of public good, particularly the personal agendas, our message is directed, not without anguish. State of our spirit, which is generated by the flow of information we process through our limited but peculiar way of seeing the world. We were talking about different levels of agendas to address what worries us about: The international agencies as the most inclusive, and the respective "agendas" more detailed and specific personal. This is an intellectual speculation. Going back to recurring appointments between 1972 and 1974 General Peron became the Stockholm Conference, one of them said "in that conference did not speak of countries, spoke of the Earth, and that men were stupid centuries killing each border were only in their imagination. "The thought was in line with what Einstein had shown previously in the sense that" the fall of a drop of dew to the soil of a rose petal, affects the farthest star "thought that in literary form, it had advanced José Hernández, in his" Until the thinner hair shade will make your floor. "And surely there are others or other previously delivered in a similar manner as that Anaximander argued that "everything is everywhere and is projected at all."

These thoughts, very encouraged by the notions of "new physics" that shines in the first three decades of the twentieth century, supports a systemic or holistic approaches, which are more comprehensive notions such as globalization or globalization. Above the agendas, indesglosables others are more indesglosable which is the earth and the life that it develops as a whole. For complex problems that concern us no territorial solutions partly because the problem affects us all equally but has been generated by a particular spatio-temporal circumstances: where the "Western" culture or American euro had its epicenter, particularly from of the "English industrial revolution," which is shaping up around 1760. And as it indesglosable planetary life, so are the three food crisis, ecological and energy. "That actually to be consistent not three, but a single crisis. It must be recognized that at least at the conceptual and documentary much has been made since the early 70's the previous century. Thus, we now have as a sort of "public enemy number 1 of life," without falling into reductionism, is something like a door, to begin to address a problem, which most scholars suggest as urgent: This is the Carbon Dioxide emissions.

With support scientific research states that the extent of 350 parts per million (ppm) of the dioxide in the atmosphere begins to make problems of life on the planet. Regarding the term "life", there is agreement that it is very difficult to find a generally accepted notion about it. Which is why some go to the resource to define a "living" as "a piece of matter that tends to keep its own complexity independent of the uncertainty of the environment." It is argued that the magnitude of the 350 ppm limit has been exceeded since 1998, and in these days it would range in the 390 ppm. From the formality of the documents produced by international bodies or heads of government summits of the drama that print environmental activists, there is agreement about the need to reduce or eliminate emissions from current levels of carbon dioxide emissions. There is also agreement that these emissions are generated by human activity. Are anthropogenic in nature as they say. The disagreements have begun, in terms of causal modalities and intensities to mitigate or eliminate these emissions.

These disagreements are of increasing intensity and how could it be otherwise subject to the eternal struggle for power, which in turn are necessarily biased by ideology or world views, in itself contradictory. In this context, the approaches to reduce emissions, are manifold. From our own limitations, in addition to monographic and informative nature of this crucial issue, we perceive that are located on one side the will to believe that this is technology solution versus those who believe that this can only be solved with a "cultural change" . Some believe that this should be solved gradually and some believe that there must be drastic and urgent efforts, and without exhausting the statement some believe that this can be addressed with market mechanisms and some believe that public policies are essential sustained active. If a realization crossed the three dilemmas (we repeat does not seem to be the only ones) and characterized the three as a kind of range or spectrum, we can see that there is at least theoretically mixed positions. But jobs to take positions, we are inclined to the pole of "cultural change" for the pole "of the urgency, and harbor reservations about the extremes of polarity" market-active policies. "Even our preference for the pole of" change cultural "does not make us walk the path of" technophobia. "We believe in incorporating critical, selective and localized technological inputs.

This demonstrated that "technology is a double-edged sword," and that the modalities of what is known as "appropriate technology" can make significant contributions to the accelerated phase of carbon dioxide emissions. Attention because of its versatility and the complexity of devising mechanisms that will reduce emissions, which are set forth in the United Nations Convention on Climate Change 1992. So-called "carbon credits" and technologies to "sequester" carbon in the depths of the earth or under frozen lakes. Clearly, the speed reduction or elimination of emissions of carbon dioxide, are limited by what Jacinto Benavente, labeled as "vested interests". Clearly, these "vested interests" are those who give the tone to government documents, there is no limitation for environmentalists. This is denoted in the difficulty to meet the goals established by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the Convention on Climate Change mentioned. Above note that these emissions that affect life on the planet are of anthropogenic origin. We can think proper, to deepen the meaning.

While some argue that the root of the problem is in the very foundations of the so-called "Western civilization" has more followers the current of opinion that the problem stems from the intensive use of hydrocarbons made from the English Industrial Revolution and intensified with the use of generalized claim of hydrocarbons to produce and mobilize vehicles, plastics and appliances. And it includes traveling along the path of the profile, in the case of vehicles the motor carrier is stigmatized, and particularly the use of private cars as the vehicle was imposed on other means of more efficient use of hydrocarbons or could use other energy sources, and is shown as an indicator of the magnitude of emissions to six hundred (600) million vehicles around the world that disperse carbon dioxide in its operation. Between July 2004 and March / April 2008, communications have been developing, the titles, so pointing to the beginning of this denote our internationality. So in chronological order thereafter have generated, the following communications: "TOWARDS AN OUTLINE OF MATRIX FOR SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT, ENERGY AND COMMUNICATIONS ARGENTINA", "ARGENTINA BY DEMOGRAPHIC deconcentration", "Is Argentina ready for a" petrocolapso "global ?

"" Conjectural Stockout FUEL IN ARGENTINA "," The animal-drawn petrocolapso key "," A contribution to the demographic deconcentration Argentina "," AN ARGENTINA (CASI. ..) without cars, no paved roads and without plastic. "(ES ENERGY, STUPID!...)";" For a dynamic network of staff dignity, "" potential impacts of climate change and petrocolapso in Argentina "," continue to insist with the change Climate and petrocolapso "," An Argentina conceived as networks of ecological villages "," Ecovillages and Community Organized "" traction of blood as a component to reinvent the energy matrix Argentina, "" energy rationing, economic restructuring and neorruralización · (A meditation on the Argentine case, "" Requiem for the American way of life "," retraining for a changing world. "In the case of the respective links will not work the titles listed above can be viewed on the site: http: / / / Submissions trabajos.htm mentioned, previous proposals have been increasing, as new information and knowledge, we would impose the aggravation of the situation. The award of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 Expert Panel on Climate Change United Nations and Al Gore, the failure of the Bali meeting of the Framework Convention on Climate Change in December of that year and the recent Conference on Eco towns: / index2.htm emblematic of the multiple and simultaneous statements about the seriousness of the matter.

So you get to challenge the global food capacity for the current global population, suggesting that this capacity has been exceeded, in the same way that exceeded the tolerance capacity of carbon dioxide. At the congress of eco-cities, emerged as a parameter to the half million inhabitants is the maximum size that could have a city to be sustainable. There were those who conditioned this figure to a city where they had no room for private cars, in all these alternative discounting the disappearance of this type of vehicle, discussing, if it was gradual or drastic surgery. Also, for that Columbretes the intensity of the issues discussed, there is the tradeoff between ecological and urban ecovillages, arguing that these latter were more likely to sustainability. As shown, and this will increasingly perceived through the contents of the media, advances are being realized. The issue, as reflected in almost every forum where these issues are discussed, is the reluctance of the bulk of the populations included in the variant somehow "American way of life" of Euro-American civilization, to even have any idea that there lifestyles are unsustainable.

Wilfredo Pareto already in its "Generale Tratatto di Soziologie", 1917, identified as a basic human attitudes (waste) to "neophobia," or fear of the new. In fact the new, not so much. What happens is that there are several precedents to previous generations, who believed with foundations based on their experiences that could cope with daily life in a way that quickly begins to be unsustainable. Aligned currents within foster a cultural change to address this problem must for our stock, we intend to continue contributing only to suggest that you begin to be taken to consider ways of life of those who until now made it possible for large swaths of the population , enjoy a relatively "high quality of life," to be found to have been of short duration. Paradoxically, appear to be in better capacity and capability to cope with future scenarios imaginable, those sectors of the population of the planet to some degree were being excluded from "high quality" ultimately enjoyed only minority. We insist that the purpose of this communication, as the preceding and possibly the'll continue to do, is to make a contribution, limited by our abilities, so that people incorporate into their "agendas" personal, everything that is emanating institutional agendas, we are not still does not reach the intensity necessary to the daily existence of people.

When our spirits are better prepared for emergencies that are being installed, the more likely processing with minimal traumatic as possible. Writing is completed on Friday June 6, 2008, in the city of Buenos Aires.

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