Thursday, August 30, 2012

Information Marketing - Internet Marketing Test

As President of Marketing Information, I host monthly coaching calls for info-marketers who have questions and are looking to launch your own business infopreneur. Here's a question from Ted in California of Marketing Testing information using the Internet. Since this is a common problem, I decided to prepare a paper on this challenge to help.

You can create a great product, but is useless if there are clusters of people ready to buy it. How do you determine if there are enough people interested in your product that you can actually begin advertising and marketing? I recommend you take your time and read the book "The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords" by Perry Marshall and Brian Todd. Vai step-by-step through the book and create a survey that asks: "What is your biggest question about ..." Whatever your product or activity. Then, vai and invest in Google AdWords and test a couple of ads against each other to see which generates the highest number of points of view.

The amount of clicks you determine whether you will be able to generate enough interest to sell it. On the landing page for your ad, have a shape that includes a question like: "What is your single most important question of _____" Fill in the subject in the void. Then give them a place to give you their email address. You will know if there is a market for the product to discover their greatest demand and receive their email address. A Google AdWords campaign will help you get started quickly. Soon you'll start to compile a list of common questions. You can send an e-mail to all those who gave you a question and say they'll host a teleseminar to address the five most common questions on the phone .......

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