Saturday, August 25, 2012

Become an Air Traffic Controller

If you are detail-oriented, are fascinated with planes, and are interested in a starting salary that can run close to $ 100,000, you might consider becoming an air traffic controller. The U.S. government plans to hire thousands of controllers in the coming years, making it a particularly promising. Since most of the current controller is expected to retire by 2011, there is a real need for people who are willing to take up the challenge of air traffic control. Moreover, because of the large number of airports around the country, if you live in a large metropolitan area, it is likely that there is a need for the controller in your geographic region.

The primary responsibility of an air traffic controller is to coordinate the movement of aircraft to ensure air traffic moving in an orderly manner. As a result, it comes to the position of huge responsibility, since a controller is called upon to make decisions that can literally save lives.

To qualify to become an air traffic controller, you must have four years of college or three years of experience working full time. If you have no experience in air traffic control, you'll also need to complete a computerized system for eight hours prior to examination.

Once hired, you will be attending a training session ten weeks, where you will have the opportunity to work on a device simulator which allows you to get an idea of ​​what is really like to direct air traffic. After completing training, you have to work and train for many years yet before they will be considered complete.

While the training process can be challenging, to say that those who complete it worth the effort. This is because the job of an air traffic controller can be incredibly rewarding, not only financially, but also in terms of overall satisfaction ....

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