Wednesday, August 15, 2012

High Risk Merchants Guide Black Book of Building E-commerce

Building an ecommerce site - what does it mean? Again, do not let me down in that speech to tell you guys that this task is something that only eggheads 21-year-old white stiff collar can do. You would either need a bit 'of their aid or search online for a reliable company that offers a package of services to high risk to the owners of merchant account. And if you're lucky on this one, you still need to create a checklist of what is to be given priority for your site. I'm talking about the bare bones. After deciding on those, it's time to figure out whether to add some fancy stuff on your site or keep things simple.

So, what factors should be considered added to your ecommerce site? If you have a book published earlier (no e-book, but if you want to go into that detail, see my article "Download a home remedy for theft"), you would most likely already familiar with the steps to take from the time you conceived the story is currently on the shelves of libraries. Yes, you would need the endorsement of celebrities, too! Remember Harvey Mackay "Swim with the sharks without being eaten alive"? Well, yes, that's a classic.

Web copy, layout and other visual elements, e-commerce elements, elements of marketing tools and customer service are some of the basic things necessary to put in your e-commerce site. Each of these units have their own set of structures that require a little 'friendship of the search engines or, better yet, a real SEO campaign.


To copy your e-commerce web site, consider the number of pages. Major search engines like Google usually encourage more web pages, but be careful about using JavaScript or adding frames. The simpler the structure of text pages, the better. Do not forget to add bases, such as "About Us" pages or product description. When it comes to adding extra content such as blogs and RSS news feeds, more optimized for search engines (using keywords, backlinks, etc.), the better. It might also need the help of a database flexible, so that each time you add new products or text elements, archiving can be extended. Administration area to upload the contents of the text should be user-friendly.

Photos and clips FLASH

The images are important for your ecommerce site, but be selective in handling them. See how you improve your catalog or shopping cart before you give the web designer in the construction of elaborate Flash intro pages, logos or banners for affiliate programs or other online marketing campaigns. Incorporation of the images can be expensive. Worse, however, are often crawled by Google's spiders. Furthermore, the heavier the image files in your e-commerce site, the longer the load time, the harder it is to retain customers ranging from split-second click-navigate shopping method.


Setting the cart will require the help of a good programmer, but you can always make use of osCommerce. The important thing is that you are able to handle the processing of credit card payment with the help of a low risk or high risk merchant account provider. The cart must be user-friendly enough to encourage a good online shopping experience for your customers.


For a good discussion of customer service tools you need to add in your ecommerce site, see "7 best tools for first-rate customer service." The key here is to provide measures of interactivity for your customers to learn more about their buying trends, suggestions for improvement, investigations, and, above all, a way to reach them by mailing list! It should not be complicated. When these foundations are built, everything is ready to navigate the gritty world of e-commerce sector .......

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