Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The 3 major issues today affecting Blogging

Everyone and his dog has a blog these days.

According to Technorati, the largest blog search engine, which is currently tracking 33.3 million blogs.

Just because there are so many blogs?

First, there are real people real: Bloggers bones in good faith that love to share their thoughts and ideas on a regular basis with a wide range of interested readers. And good luck to them.

But there are also a number of problems with the blog that lead to a massive excess of spam blogs - or "splogs" for short.

(1) Regular updates

By definition a blog is updated regularly. A blog that is never updated defeats the object. However, this can put pressure on bloggers to add useful, interesting, often the messages apply. It may not have the time. It may not have the inspiration. Maybe just do not have enough to say.

Whatever the reason, the "regular updates" conundrum can lead to poorer quality jobs over time, or less frequent delivery, or use content from other authors.

(2) Search engines love Blogs

It has been suggested that the blog is an acronym for Better Listings On Google, because blogs typically ranks well in search engines, and are indexed so fast and smooth.

This makes blogging a dream tool for marketers of all descriptions and leads to numerous blog is created with the primary intention of being filled with food keywords search engine whose sole purpose is to attract traffic that can then be converted into dollars.

Now many of the biggest bloggers accept advertising to help pay for their hobby, but when a blog is put * only * to attract visitors, rather than being interesting, once again the quality and frequency of messages may descend rapidly.

(3) Advertising Billboards

These two factors mean that many blogs will soon become simply places for bloggers to paste dozens of advertisements for products that can earn a commission.

They provide little or no content, even reviews of products, just pages and pages of keyword stuffed advertising.

That defeats the object of a blog, and it is also unlikely to keep visitors coming back for the latest updates.

So why are these problems? Well, reducing the overall quality of blogs on the Internet is not good for people like you and me looking for high quality information.

I can honestly say that 95% + of blogs I visit fall foul of at least one of these three problems, if not all those who would like to review I could count on the fingers of one hand.

It is also good for search engines, whose business model depends on serving accurate, useful information for us.

So they are fighting.

Google is eliminating a large number of splogs hosted on their service and many other Blogger blogs are disappearing from the lists.

If you try to blog without regular publication, useful, original content is only a matter of time before becoming trapped.

So best to solve your crimes * before * all your efforts go up in smoke the next search engine update.

Now go make the changes ;-)

Richard Adams ...

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