Friday, August 17, 2012

Fundraising Your Way to Safety Small Business

Already have your own small business? If you do what you probably go through what a lot of people are going through right now. The economy is unstable reeking havoc on spending patterns, without the use of models can not predict what your earnings. Small businesses are forced to close their doors because they can no longer afford to operate.

While the economy is beyond your control, there are still things you can do to try to save your business. Although there is no guarantee when the market improves, there are things that are going to change. One thing that is not going anywhere is the fact that schools, churches and other groups need to raise funds to get all the supplies they need to function. I met a woman who a few years ago that has made those magnets you see on cars. He needed to do a lot of money, and he needed to do it fast, there's not much cash to devote to it. He decided to send a letter to the district high school, telling them that he could work with them on a fundraiser that involved her magnets. It 'was a success the school enjoyed the fact that it was something different. Most fundraisers are the same things over and over again.

Offering his work as a fundraiser, has made a lot of money fast. He continued to do this fundraiser every year and gets better and better....

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