Friday, August 31, 2012

Strategies of conflict resolution in the workplace

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable. When two or more people must work together and combine ideas, the door is always open to the conflict. The goal is to learn to use the conflict as a tool that can benefit the whole, rather than destroying it and the idea of ​​concern. A team must have a common goal of success (Temme and Katzel, 1995). Several strategies have proved useful for the resolution of these destructive conflicts.

Conflict is defined as a disagreement or disharmony that occurs in groups in which the differences with regard to the ideas, methods and members (Wisinski, 1993), are expressed. These differences, however, is not necessary to determine a negative result. Used properly, the group can become closer and more aware of their differences. With regard for each other, the group can combine ideas and have more success at the end.

Directors is ultimately responsible for the recognition of a conflict, provoking the conflict resolution strategies, and to do that these strategies are executed successfully. Because a school district, for example, to achieve this goal, must be aware of the types of conflict: constructive and deconstructive. Constructive conflict is beneficial for the teams. This style focuses on the issue, while still maintaining respect for the other teammates. Teammates will exhibit flexibility, complementarity and cooperation between them. Commitment to success for the team is obvious. Deconstructive conflict, on the other hand, has selfish behavior of personal attacks, insults and defensive. No flexibility exists within the team, and competition among teammates is high. Conflict prevention is obvious (UOP, 2004)

Many outside influences can cause or add to the conflict. Resources Limited (UOP, 2004) can cause stress among colleagues. If a teacher is concerned about the lack of resources for its students, for example, he or she can demonstrate a high level of stress. This, in turn, can affect the friction lightweight shared with other teachers. The differences in goals and objectives (UOP, 2004) causes tension among the staff as well. For example, a teacher can focus on sports and recreation, while another is more devoted to scholars and texts to date. This difference in goals for students may cause extra tension and conflict among staff.
Communication problems (UOP, 2004) can cause conflicts between staff. Two teachers with the same objective can not explain their points clearly to one another. If messages are not clear, confrontation and conflict, more than likely be the result. Teachers who share different attitudes, values ​​and perceptions (UOP, 2004) open the door to the conflict. Similar to teachers with different goals, attitudes, goals, and perceptions that differ immense stress pattern of the entire faculty and staff. Finally, personality clashes (UOP, 2004) are probably the most common problem among a group, and perhaps the easiest to overcome. If approached in a mature, adult attitudes, personality differences should not affect your workplace or group goals. Lack of training, lack of accountability, and favoritism by the administration (the first line, 2007) can also cause conflicts. Teachers of schools and teachers need to keep the most important aspect of their work (children) in focus. As adults, they are accountable for their actions and behaviors.

The ability to recognize the type of conflict allows the administration to direct consequence of the conflict with the goal of a positive result, rather than in the spiral of destruction. After recognizing the type of conflict management (or administration) can choose between three different methods of resolution: the "4 R", AEIOU method and the method of negotiation.

First, the "4 R" method (UOP, 2004) stands for: Reason-The leader is responsible to find out if the feelings concerning the conflict are expressed differently within the team. It should also identify any personal present from the staff. Finally, the leader must clarify whether the team is aware of his stand; Reaction-The leader is responsible to rate it as the group is reacting to one another. You should determine if the conflict is constructive or destructive. Once determined, the leader is to decide whether the conflict can be transformed into a constructive conflict, though originally destructive results of Leader should now explain the consequences of this conflict. The whole team, including the leader, needs to determine if the conflict is severe enough to affect the goal or outcome; Resolution-Finally, the whole team is to discuss all possible methods that will help in reaching a successful solution, and that it is better. The "4 R" approach takes teams through a resolution process, step-by-step. This style helps in assessing the situation, and provides assistance to refocus the conflict to a successful outcome.

Secondly, the model AEIOU (Wisinski, 1993) is an acronym for: A-Take the other "good intentions, your feelings and Express, I-Identify what you want to happen; OR results are expected clarified to the group "(UOP, 2004), U-Understanding of the group is on a level of maturity. This model deals with a group to communicate clearly. Suggestions of alternative methods are given to the group in a non-confrontational manner. By maintaining a calm demeanor, the administration is telling the group that wants the group to succeed.

Thirdly, the trading method (UOP, 2004) focuses on a compromising attitude. Separate each person from the problem allows each teammate to focus on the interests of the group rather than their personal positions. This technique creates opportunities for a variety of possible solutions to achieve. The leader is responsible for expressing the importance of an objective view when choosing a solution. Through the technique of negotiation, all know the problem, and the goal, and everyone is willing put his personal feelings aside to achieve this common goal (Krivis, 2006).

Another type of strategy known as a method RULES helps the administrator, or leader, to remain objective, faced with a conflict in the workplace. RULES stands for (Huber, 2007): N-not distorted or personal interpretation; O-Observable, the situation is seen and touched or experienced staff; R-Reliable, two or more people agree on what happened; M -measurable parameters of conflict can be distinguished and measured; S-specifications are not subjective but objective, non-confrontational. Following the RULES, you can observe the situation with an objective view. Therefore, he or she can help the team with the conflict with the proper focus of putting the team together and resolve the conflict, as well as benefit from the experience.
Each method promotes an environment that welcomes different ideas. The differences can ultimately benefit the entire group and the project or the situation at hand. Temme and Katzel state, "For a teambuilding effort to work ... management must be sincere in his desire to see to see the process through team building." (Calling a team, Team 1995).

As an administrator, or leader, you are responsible for directing the team towards cohesion and compatibility. This goal can be reached during a conflict that is every team member equally, recognizing the problem, listening to every concern, with an equal level of importance and respect. In order to achieve a goal and cooperation agreement, each teammate, or employee, is to respect others for their different views and objectives, but keep an open mind as well. Conflicts may be advantageous for a team, as it brings new ideas and perspectives to the table. Clear communication and an open mind can transform a conflict into an advantage rather than a burden .......

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