Sunday, August 19, 2012

Coach Pete Tips - How to get in touch with your spiritual side

Recent investigations have shown that the vast majority of people believe in a creator God or a Supreme Being. Most people who pray and believe that their prayers are heard. There have also been studies indicating that prayer can speed healing.

The vast majority of the peoples of the world believe in the existence of a Supreme Being. We call God by different names, but the fact is that all civilizations, cultures and tribes from the beginning of the time believed in a power greater than themselves. There is a saying that there are no atheists in a fox hole. As someone who has combat experience I can attest to the truth of this statement. Faced with a crisis please even the most battle hardened soldiers. A November 1999 Gallup poll found that 84% of Americans believe that spiritual growth is important for their lives. I'm willing to bet that after the September 11, 2001 this percentage increased.

There are already studies that demonstrate the power of prayer and the role it can play in healing. I have seen the power of prayer in my life. A few years ago my father was dying. Her liver was missed. Fifty years ago he contacted hepatitis after being wounded at Iwo Jima. The local specialist gave no hope of recovery. Undaunted Dad went to Boston for a second opinion.

The verdict was the same, take it home and make it as comfortable as possible. At that point we had only one chance: the prayer. Dad went to the local priest and received absolution, and the priest made a prayer of healing and blessing. Dad's condition improved miraculously. Today at 83 my mother and father are still with us and live independently on a small lake in Massachusetts.

It was prayer that saved him? What special blessings did the priest performed? It was Dad's will to live? Or just random luck that he was healed? Who knows, but if I were a betting man I would bet on the power of prayer.

If the prayer that was why Dad was spared and not a younger person? How many times have we read of a young man or women with a bright future, despite the best efforts of doctors and the outpouring of prayer dies. Why? Of course we'll never know. I believe that all things happen for a reason. Is there a purpose to our lives. I also believe that in this life we ​​can never know or fully understand the mind of God

This is where faith comes in, the faith in the goodness of God and the faith that we all have a purpose or mission. Being open to our spiritual nature and accept the role of a supreme being plays in our lives we will learn and accomplish the purpose of our lives.

Okay, then how can we do to connect with our spirituality? We are all traveling. This journey ends with our death, then I think that starting a trip even bigger. Moreover, as with any personal growth we want, wish, yearn for it. This intense motivation pushes us along our way.

Connecting with God and begin our spiritual journey involves taking action, here are some actions that will help you in your journey.

Practicing forgiveness

Practice Gratitude

Be generous

Practicing compassion

Honors the sacredness of life

Try to meditate or take any book on yoga and mediation practice. It is not necessary to take a hard yoga. Just get into a comfortable sitting position and start breathing slowly and deeply in and out of the nostrils. As you breathe repeat a step that means something to you. This is called a mantra. It could be something from the Bible or Torah yoga a mantra or something as simple as God is good. If thoughts enter your mind to recognize them, make them go through and refocus on your breathing. Try to build up to ten minutes. After you practice this you will find that deep breathing and concentrate on the mantra you can quickly relax. It 's a great way to relieve stress and connect with the infinite creative power of the universe .......

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