Thursday, August 9, 2012

Manuel Lamana



"... The trouble started in the gallery of you,

We disagree, and at his gallery in you,

are all those gentlemen who put on airs

of revolutionaries, if they come here

looking for experiences, tell them from me

they do not go missing ...?

Manuel Lamana.

DOUBLE VOICE EXILED Some authors, since the second exit of Spain Manuel Lamana takes place in 1948 as a "consequence of his political activities in college under the new regime?, Not included in the literature of exile due to war caused by the military rebellion of General Franco. Other authors speak of the "Spanish Literature in the last exile?, I'm afraid that all these authors have forgotten that Manuel Lamana is still almost a child exiled in France at the end of the Spanish war. Literally belongs to the group is called the half-century, Aldecoa, Fernandez Santos, Sanchez Ferlosio ... but enter his work in exile in Argentina.

Manuel Lamana was born in Madrid in 1922 and died in Buenos Aires on December 18, 1996. Surprised by the military coup when he was only fourteen years old. In 1939, he started his first exile, along with his Republican family, crossing the Pyrenees and spending more than two years in French concentration camps. In October 1941 he commanded a company incorporated in forced labor to Germany. Can escape and return to Spain. He enrolled at the University of Madrid taking part in anti-Franco activities, that cause repeated imprisonment. In March 1947 he was arrested last, for his contribution to the reorganization of the Spanish University Federation (FUE). He is sentenced to six years in prison by a military court, passing Cuelgamuros labor camp. In August 1948 he managed to escape, along with Nicolas Sanchez-Albornoz, the son of Don Claudio, criminal detachment Valley of the Fallen. The American writer Norman Mailer called the rescue organization from Paris, Lamana passes the Pyrenees on foot in search of freedom again. After a brief stay in France and England, embarks on a freighter bound for Argentina, a country in which he wrote his work, simultaneously, that is dedicated to university, being professor at the University of Buenos Aires and Professor of French literature at the University of Tucumán.

He resigned his chair several times to Argentina before the arrival of the military to power. He has contributed to several magazines Argentina and abroad. At his death he was director, together with Luis Alberto Quesada, the Institute of Culture Ibero Argentina in Buenos Aires.

In his novel testimonial Other men, first published in 1956 in the mythical Editorial Losada, relates his experiences in hiding, his famous flight of the Valley of the Fallen, along with Nicolas Sanchez Albornoz, and his new exile. This work inspired the movie Barbarians Fernando Colomo Years premiered in 1998. Lamana is also the author of the novel The Innocents (1959), focusing on the memories of a child who lives the war from the Republican zone. "... what I did was the war in the battlefield, he tells us Lamana-but what happens to a child in the war?. He has written several essays: The postwar novel (1960), Postwar Literature (1961), Existentialism and Literature (1967). Journal has left unpublished for two voices, in which he writes his own diary in parallel with the one written by his father, Jose Maria Lamana, to take exile. To this writer, exiled twice, you can apply that phrase of one of his novels: "In this situation, conditions of hero all is required at the present time, it is accomplished?.

Francisco Arias Solis

Many appear to be willing to do something if others do so. Those who run and forget the importance of individual action. (Phrase Salvochea Fermin glossed in the book: 102 reasons to remember Salvochea)

Of Internet Portal for Peace and Freedom and Free Forum.


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