Thursday, August 9, 2012

Food from depression who have a direct impact on your mood

Depression is the evil of our times, although it has been known since ancient times with different names, such as melancholy, sadness, it is not uncommon to have a depression and most people have had at least one episode of major depressive disorder during their lifetime On the other hand with increasing stress from the hectic life of the modern world, means that cases of depression have increased dramatically that it is about to become a public health problem. For this reason, it is important to know how things can be foods consume daily for depression.

It is very useful to know the foods that help fight disease and having a healthy diet reduces the risk of contracting a disease. Pasta, rice, fruits and raw and cooked vegetables, vegetable juices, dried fruits and olive oil are parts of foods for depression that will help keep your mental balance and allow you to maintain your health.

Zinc is a mineral that helps fight depression, is important to know that fruits and vegetables and oysters are rich in this mineral. Niacin and pyridoxine are necessary to produce biological reactions to avoid depression, this substance is found in wheat. Sugars, cereals and pasta are essential to provide energy and combat depression.

Iron is one of the basic foods for depression, so you have to eat pork, chicken and beef and spinach, seafood, eggs, liver and kidneys. The magnesium found in fish and fresh vegetables, it is important that we include in our diet.

The tangerine, oranges, grapefruit, banana, lemon and chia are excellent for comfort. Flowers such as sage, geranium, jasmine, lavender, rose, sandalwood and the plant called ginseng has been used since ancient times as a cure for depression.

Note that the oat extract, is an excellent remedy for depression, can take 30 drops daily and normalize the nervous system and if it takes two tablespoons of brewer's yeast daily have optimal results.

If you want to see how I could get out of my depression and achieve a natural balance, just click here.

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