Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Managing anger: Anger Is a destructive emotion?

Anger is a normal emotion that every human experience, which occurs in situations before where we feel threatened, we believe we can be damaged (or someone else may suffer), we think we have hurt or frustrate us. But you can get to become a destructive emotion if it feels too hard, too often, or is expressed inappropriately, hurt, hurting other verbally or physically damaging objects. Responses of this type bring with negative consequences for our physical and mental, interpersonal relationship conflicts that may even lead to possible legal and financial problems.

It should be clear that this is not the answer to eliminate anger, silencing, as this would influence our health negatively as ulcers, increased blood pressure, stroke, mental exhaustion, etc.De is what really is to respond adequately, being an important step in recognizing the first signs that emerge and function as a red light that shows us the appearance of this emotion.

Body level, our body activates a response of "fight or flight?, As did the bodies of our ancestors to prepare effectively to danger. This mechanism remains intact for our species: the circulation of adrenaline and other hormones into the bloodstream, increased heart rate, muscle tension, high and short of breath, sweating, are indicators to consider in relation to our anger. To counteract this effect and allow our body to regain its balance, slow, deep breathing and creative visualization are proven strategies that reduce the physiological arousal that anger drives.

Mental level, anger is a response to our own thoughts. Instead of giving free rein to thoughts that tend to become exaggerated and dramatic, even to distort the real situation, it is necessary to learn to replace them with thoughts that are more adaptive and functional, and invest the way of the upward spiral of anger with the goal to preserve our health and our relationship.

Finally, we must not forget the importance of effective communication in relation to anger. Pretending to exchange views very angry when we feel it is counterproductive. We can say that we need to withdraw for a moment or agree with the other person a moment to discuss the conflict situation. And at the time of starting the conversation, listen to others, that let you finish what you say and speak in first person, using "I feel / think?, Avoiding the" You?, Which will prevent the other person will get defensive and attack us.

Allow us to handle or manage anger us it's always our decision.

María Laura Cortés

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