Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What is it? Self-Sufficiency Employment

WHAT IS IT? THE SELF-EMPLOYMENT When it comes to self-employment, we are referring to the ability of an individual has developed, to address and resolve all alternatives related to the full satisfaction of their labor needs through Jobs, Education and / or Work independents. HOW YOU CAN ACHIEVE SELF-EMPLOYMENT Ideally, you could participate in a Career Workshop taught by specialists in the field, you can get information on this topic by sending an E-Mail anyway reading This article will help you develop your own plan of action.

1) Define business goals and objectives (short and long term) short-term goals are to help you achieve the long term, are a means not an end in themselves. Describe your long term goals and explain the reasons that motivate you to want those goals. By setting these long term goals, perhaps it could help to analyze the following questions: To be or wanted to study when you were a child? What particular things would improve your life? If you could be whatever you want you'd be? What are your dreams in life?

2) Explore yourself to know what are your resources Analyze what resources you have to achieve the target individual resources, abilities, experiences, accomplishments, education, etc.. Family, friends and contacts: Briefly explain how they can help. Other resources that might help: community services, social organizations, companies, religious institutions, etc..

3) Prepare a summary of 30 seconds in which you can highlight your qualities. (This should be tested as often as you need). A brief summary of skills and experience is an excellent calling card for potential employers. This summary is your advertisement verbal, as if ready for a TV ad, 30 seconds used effectively enough time to sell your image, and must be reviewed, practiced and shared many times as necessary until you hear and feels natural.

4) Prepare a Plan of Action. Promotes planning achievements, crisis diminishes, enhances confidence and promotes promotions. Shyness, lack of confidence, lack of preparation and insecurity can cause a person to transmit an unfavorable aspect, showing perhaps what might seem a negative attitude toward those who most want to impress.

5) Establish your own network. The individual in the workplace begins with the acquisition of certain verbal and written skills which are necessary to make contact with people who offer opportunities for employment or business and make a good impression.

To help you make contacts and make a good first impression will discuss the following:

a) A summary of 30 seconds (remember it is your cover letter) should be well prepared to speak fluently in a natural tone and convincing.

b) To be successful in obtaining employment or freelance work daily must identify at least 15 new contacts. There is evidence that those who perform this task consistently, get better and faster results.

c) In establishing a conversation with a contact note the following: Start the conversation by telling your friend, I will not take long, then say: I need some advice and ask: do you know someone who has a vacancy for someone with my skills?. Do you know someone else who knows a person with a vacancy?

Do you know someone that links its business or know people who can help me?

a) You must take careful note of the information you get.

b) Demonstrate your appreciation for the time you've been given.

c) You can also use other sources of contact, for example, directories yellow pages you can provide a wealth of information on companies, businesses or institutions in the area you're interested.

Make a list of those contacts with phone numbers Prepare a program where you define the date and time you can make your calls to contacts that you have chosen. Try to inform the most of everything related to the company which made the call the more you know the better the impression you cause.

6) Curriculum Vitae Preparing a good resume is very useful for a person seeking employment or freelance work. It is a presentation model that is used internationally and may help convince the employer that you meet the conditions he is seeking. Resume must show a positive image of the candidate and establish a favorable basis for the interview, can guide the interviewer's questions and exert a positive influence on those who must make the decision. They are used to prepare three basic formats: Chronological: Displays your most recent job first and then continues to show work history to reach the first job. This format is appropriate when the person has been continuously employed and experience related to current career goals. Functional: Describes the skills and achievements instead of showing work history, an overview of the work carried out highlighting the qualities of the candidate.

This format is useful when changing career goals. This format associates combined the features of the above formats Describe the jobs from the most recent to the first, then outlines the responsibilities and achievements of each. This format is useful when the person has had several jobs which had several opportunities to positions requiring responsibility and achievement. It is important to note that whatever format you choose should not let time slots in which you have not developed any activity, no one cares to employ a person who has long been inactive, you must fill these spaces with activities such as include: studies, volunteer work, etc.. remember that when you are without paid work is more work when your network of contacts and personal preparation.

7) Unknowns seeks to uncover the interviewer in your interview There are four specific things that the interviewer will discover during the course of the interview, they are:

a-If the person can do the job they need.

b-If you are creating or solving problems.

c-If you are generating for the company more money than you will pay.

d-If you can establish a good relationship with others as peers, supervisors, or customers of the company. 8) Prepare to make the best impression in an interview recruiters decide on a candidate in the first seven seconds of contact, this means that recruiters or employers decide if they like a person based on first impressions this has caused them. The have an interview with confidence, smiling, making eye contact and giving a firm handshake, a good impression and defines the environment that will develop the conversation. Use the following steps to generate a good first impression to introduce: Dress a little better than the employees of that company. Make eye contact, smile and greet with a handshake. Call the person by name, pronouncing it correctly. Introduce yourself and remember the summary of 30 seconds you've practiced. To say goodbye: Stand up, smile and greet with a handshake. Go to the person's name. Thank him the time you have spent and the care provided. Show your interest by saying that you desire to work in your company.

He confirmed the date on which you will do your follow-up call. These are some of the steps that lead to self-labor, understood and applied is the key to successfully confront the ever-present uncertainty of losing our job. If you keep your contacts, if you update your knowledge and skills, if you try to be responsible in your dealings at work, this will keep you on edge over others. The important thing is to discover the value that you as an individual, you know the resources around you and above all these resources can interact in the labor market, all this depends solely on your decision to become self-sufficient.

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