Friday, July 13, 2012

Relief from an episiotomy With Natural Remedies

Episiotomy: A surgical procedure during childbirth

An episiotomy is an incision made in the area around the vaginal opening (perineum) to the anus or an oblique angle, to enlarge the space through which the baby must pass.

This is usually done to expedite delivery or to prevent spontaneous tearing of the perineum with a cut-controlled, suggests that it is better to cure a controlled incision arriegarse a tear at random. At one time, episiotomies are almost standard procedure in hospital births.

However, they have become somewhat controversial because of the possibility of complications and the research that has shown that episiotomies may increase the time of pain and recovery after childbirth.

A natural way

A well-prepared mother and a midwife expert can greatly reduce the need for an episiotomy, which must be performed only when necessary and for the benefit of the mother and baby, rather than the convenience of the delivery team.

Many midwives are proud to deliver babies without an episiotomy or perineal tear risk, using their expertise and training to the mother during the second stage of labor.

In addition, natural and homeopathic remedies can greatly ease the feeling of peace that follows after any birthing process, although an episiotomy is a procedure required or not. Cold compresses placed on the perineum can help relieve the worst of the discomfort during the first days after birth.

A clean cloth soaked in a little lavender or rose water and applied to the perineal area for a few minutes will provide welcome relief. Sitting in a clean tub filled with cold or hot water will provide relief from pain and reduce swelling.

Adding salt to water will also help prevent infection. Squirt water on your perineal area to urinate (and later) is a more gentle cleaning.

There are also many herbs, minerals and vitamins that can provide effective gentle relief and reduce the effects of an episiotomy after delivery.

These natural remedies can come in cream form natural, 100% safe and effective made of herbs, vitamins and minerals chosen for their soothing properties for the discomfort and pain as well as prevention of infection and scar formation. This cream helps to prepare the perineum before delivery, calm and facilitates healing and reduces discomfort after an episiotomy without side effects.

Natural ingredients used in creams

Vitamin E Oil is widely used to promote healing, to protect cells against free radical damage and reduce the discomfort and itching. Many people use Vitamin E products topically to ensure optimal skin health.

Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola) is used topically to treat wounds of the skin and connective tissue as it stimulates healing and prevents scarring.

Comfrey oil soothes and heals inflamed tissues. This oil is an anti-inflammatory and helps reduce swelling and pain while also stimulating new cell growth and accelerates the healing process. Comfrey oil is widely used for arthritis pain, bruises, dislocations and other injuries.

Hypericum perforatum also known as St. John's wort is commonly used as an internal remedy for depression and also addresses other ailments. Applied topically, as in ancient European folk tradition, Hypericum heals and soothes all types of surface wounds and burns.

Lavender oil is valued for its antiseptic, healing and soothing and is wonderful for reducing discomfort and improving perineal healing following childbirth.

Ranunculus ficaria (Pilewort) can be used for any type of perineal damage as well as hemorrhoids, while helping to relieve discomfort and encourage healing. Pilewort also prevents wound infection.

Silica is essential in maintaining healthy skin and strong and is the main component in all connective tissues in the body. Silica also stimulates the formation of cell metabolism, improving elasticity.

Witch hazel (witch hazel) is excellent for reducing inflammation, bleeding and pain. It has long been used by Native Americans to relieve the pain, swelling, bruising and bleeding of external injuries. Witch hazel has antibacterial properties that help prevent infection.

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