Sunday, July 8, 2012

Force Automation Sales - really what is this?

With this phrase or its acronym in English (SFA - Sales Force Automation), has been identifying a number of processes and elements that have to do with how to achieve greater productivity in the commercial management of organizations. Unfortunately, there is much confusion and I would say that lack of knowledge about good practice in order to implement consistent improvements in business productivity and unfortunately the technology sector has been one of the major causes of this confusion, and even many of the failures of the implementation of SFA and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) within organizations.

It would be pretentious to try to cover a subject as vast and complex with a single article, so let's develop this interesting concept in several installments. In this installment will discuss the basic concepts and needs which can lead to a raise within the organization have made information systems applied to the work of selling.

What is SFA?. Well, the acronym refers to "Sales Force Automation", usually in Spanish is translated as Automation Sales Force. It sounds like 'robots to "to vendors or something similar. As has been happening in recent decades, this is one of those terms invented by the industry of computer technology and software in an effort to invade all aspects of business life, which is not bad, but should make consistent and organized. According to the definitions of computer gurus, SFA is defined as:

"A subset of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) helps companies automate their sales process, gaining visibility into customer relationships and evaluating performance on sales goals. Usually involves processes such as the following: Processing and track orders, inventory management and monitoring, contract management, sales forecasting and analysis, evaluation of business performance, monitor the buying behavior of customers and customer demographic analysis "

Well, this definition is a mixture of many different aspects of sales activities in an organization. I am neither against nor in favor of it, I just seem to be based on the fact of treating the subject purely from the technological point of view. Obviously not a mistake, because that is the term "automation". The problem then lies not in the computer industry, I think it lies more in the way sales people apply it.

So from the standpoint of SFA definition, which in a nutshell this means is the following:

Is the application of information technology (computers, software, telecommunications, internet, etc..) To the company's business processes. Business covers sales from planning to evaluation of results of the commercial management issues through the logistical and financial has to do with the effective use of information in all management processes comercialNo were short, but I think that about covers what it means SFA.

What you think like sales people is that if this is a matter of technology, it has nothing to do with me. This is a topic for the area of ​​enterprise systems. Is it reasonable or not this thought? I'm sure most of us who work in sales manifest a resounding YES is reasonable and fully validates this statement.

Unfortunately this is where the problem arises. Well, you say, because if this defining SFA, speaks of such a problem. The reason is that in practice and according to studies conducted mainly in developed countries that have adopted several years this technology, the percentage of failures in its implementation is very high (30 to 40% of implementations failed).

The main reason for this is that there is no direct connection between business processes leading sales people and the system finally implemented, which in most cases ends implemented by the area of ​​technology or systems.

So this suggests the following way; SFA is an information system is implemented to support improved business processes or specifically, the sales cycle. Because it is a system that involves technology, must be present in the area of ​​systems implementation, but because they are affecting business processes, the project itself must be led by Sales. Therefore, the first conclusion is that for a SFA project to be successful, must be born and be led by sales area, not the area of ​​technology or systems.

Why should I worry Sales systematize their business processes?

Interesting question. Dissect this a bit to see if we can come to a conclusion that encourages the adoption of SFA or if instead it gives us grounds to reject this type of technology.

These are the basic challenges that as a sales manager, I can have:

• Meet with my superiors agreed objectives • Improve the productivity of my sales team. This is so simple as to achieve better results with equal or fewer resources. • Develop profitable customer relationships, generating loyalty and fidelity in them

These challenges can vary greatly, especially depending on the sector in which your organization works. That is, if you sell in a B2B scenario is very different from selling to final consumer or the government sector.

What are the challenges of a salesperson?

• Meet the goals committed to my business manager • Maintain outstanding business performance from period to period • Build confidence and credibility in all customers which serve • The promise of sale made to customers are met by the organization

Both actors may have more challenges and interests, but we can agree that the above are the basic and major. If I'm in one of these roles, the first thing I ask when I talk to systematize the processes that I run is what this system that helps me to meet the challenges I have in my work?

The importance of this question is vital because when you do not see the benefit that it generates a change in their challenges and goals, not adopted, by the count is rejected. When this involves more effort and time, with the risk of seeing with concern that the systems.

Okay, but what can you think of all this the direction of the company? Obviously also has interests in the subject and knows that a process of change and improvement, involves investments. Its main metrics are related to financial performance and is as simple as: increased revenues, reduced operating costs and improved competitive position. It may sound simplistic, but ultimately this is what managers expect. There may be many ways to achieve results, but believe me, what gets measured is.

There are more stakeholders in these business processes in addition to Director of Sales, Seller, the Executive Director or Manager. If, indeed, is the sales management department, the area of ​​Logistics, Finance, etc.. Everyone has their interests in the subject as well. But we are forgetting a key stakeholder in the issue, Clients ... ..

Yes sir, customers are those who finally see the result of a systematic strategy of business processes. One who can determine whether the company has improved the way the addresses and offers its products and services. The big difference is that your business advisor visits now comes with a laptop or hand held device type. No, the difference is in the concrete results of the customer business is to maintain a business relationship with your company. Better health, better service, better products, more competitive bids and more tailored, value-added, more personalized attention, among some.

What are the customer needs? Difficult to answer this question. However, as a way of approaching a general rule, we could say that common sense would indicate something like this in a business sales market:

• Get the supply of products and / or good quality services that effectively meet mission for which they are acquired or contracted • The price you are paying for these products or services is fair and competitive • The overall care is timely and effectively • That there are elements that generate added value in the business relationship that achieve identifiable difference between what a vendor offers me versus other alternative

On the basis of all these elements come our first proposal. Lords of sales, the solution to your problems is not to say to systems that you purchase and install an SFA system, this will directly result in a failure. What you should do is to structure a project to improve the sales productivity, where SFA is only one component (the component technology), but not the only one. The project must be structured by the Commercial and must take into account the interests and expectations of various groups:

• General Directorate of the company • Business Management • Business Advisers •? Areas of business management support • Customer

Once you understand and evaluate in detail the interests and goals of each of these interest groups, proceed to check if your business operation processes are aligned with these interests and if human resources are adequate to fully implement these processes business. When you validate this and propose appropriate adjustments, that's where you can evaluate the possibility of systematizing something coherent. From experience we have had in this type of project, the most important is to validate that business processes are aligned with business strategy and meet the interests and expectations of customers. Equally important is to understand the expectations of the sales force, who should adopt processes and must be executed consistently, this is what can ensure improved productivity. After doing this work in detail, is when you should call your Chief Technology Officer and consider their needs in terms of technological tools to support business processes executed by the right people to meet the interests and goals groups interest in commercial operation.

For more information about this topic or related topics please contact us or visit Automation Projects in the Sales Force

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