Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ask ... And you will be given. For everyone who asks receives

We ask ourselves, we must ask, who? How do I create a petition? , How do you write and who sent you the note? are some questions that we often do, as a Christian I am and avid follower of biblical mandates lifetime, I love the passage invites us to ask and we guarantee that you will give us, in Matthew 7 that we are a part says:

Ask and it shall be given, seek and find, knock and it shall be.

For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

But ☺ ask how what we want? principle must be clarified in very good order, ie we have to clarify in our minds what we really want, and then write so that you repeat like a mantra in mind in order to manifest in the real plane .

There are some conditions that you require so that if you order does not arrive with the specified requirements, you can return it because there are universal guarantees for those who demand will be delivered as is how to develop the request.

It's like when you go to a restaurant and order a beef baby, I want to ask to finish the meat, about three quarters they ask, other average and others like almost raw meat, when you reach the "ordered" to your table it is assumed that your condition must have been respected and we demand has been met reliably, why you eat and enjoy your meal, do not meet the requirements previously set forth, simply return it, until your requirements are met.

Well so does life have to be very clear that is what we ask for the simple reason that when we bring what we can properly requested and assertiveness, accept or return it, so simple, and wait until the dimension captures the universe of our demand.

Let us return to the previous example, the order, your order, you are giving a mandate to be enforced, so you have to be very clear in your mind what you REALLY going to ask is why having an image clear and clear in your mind of what you want if you will understand what you are getting is what corresponds to what you asked or not, AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY AND RECEIPT FOR YOUR PERSONA.Una Once the order is delivered, can perfectly discern whether the requirements have been met, and if not return it until they comply with the order that you sent to the universe.

This simple act of asking, is not as simple as we assume, is complex, in the sense that necessarily requires a depth and sincerity on your part about what you're asking and if it is really compatible with the desires of your heart, and the benefit of all involved, so that when you order or request arrives, the strength of genuine understanding of desire has the power to return it if does not match the requirement, otherwise accept orders that do not match what you want and not meet the mandate, the full extent and power of manifestation.

Maria TironePersonal Coach, Mystic & Business

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