Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Encourage Reading In Children

Having the habit of reading is essential to stimulate creativity, imagination, intelligence, language and concentration of children. As well as toys, books must be present in the daily children. Books enrich us all and enable us to engage in stories, and provide us with information. They can also have fun with them and also learn values.

Never end up talking about the benefits we provide the books. We must recognize that reading books is fundamental, and that the child will take you to read this part so exquisite that it is the adventure of learning, of knowledge and discovery.

With patience and dedication should inculcate the habit of reading to children from babyhood. We must teach our children to seek information in books from an early age. So from birth is essential to read a story, story, poems, etc ... It would be nice to put a specific time each day to do so, it becomes a habit. For example: It could be bedtime, or after the meal.

Not exactly a child should be able to read to have contact with books. There are books for all ages. We can only find books with pictures, books with vocabularies, ie besides the image are also under the same name, so you can see letters and words. And for children who can already read, there are books with images and text.

For children who read and let him read what interest them, whatever it is (always according to age).

As parents we need to assess the reading time for children. We provide all kinds of books, it is the material (fabric, cardboard, plastic, etc..), It is necessary, when the child does not understand something, be able to answer all your questions.

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