Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Software for the Enterprise

Every software company should be considered as an asset of the business, whose main function is to support (information) to workers in the business and they use it for proper decision making.

In principle the company should be clear what the mission of it. For example in a war "mission" of one of the nations involved would be "Winning the war," for that would use various operations, "Air Raid", "Land Attack" and "attack by sea." In the process, "Air Raid" the soldiers involved have specific commands (functions) to perform, as well as the way it should be performed (Methods) and thus fulfill the mission assigned, which is "Winning the war." So also will the soldiers who are assigned to other operations. All processes will be developed for this case without losing sight of the mission.

Something similar happens in business enterprises, we need to have a north, meaning that define a mission and organize their processes Logistics, Purchasing, Marketing, Finance, HR, Industrial Safety etc.. pointing to the mission of the company.

Being clear about what the company does? , How do you do? And who does? we say, somewhat organized, then think "automate" manual processes that take place in the business, that means "Implementing a software for my company"

As stated earlier software should be considered a business asset, ie something that adds positively to the company, must play a role of "strategic partner" for the institution. So we must first make sure that manual processes are correctly designed before purchasing software. Secondly, to acquire the same should be borne in mind: What was done "manually" in the company must now be "automated" with the software company.

A simple example: I have a business of auto parts in two locations. A customer asked me an article "x". I head to the store that is in another room within the same premises in search of available stock. If stock is not available make a local phone call to another looking for the items required by the client. It happens that they are busy and no answer our call. We could send someone to the other place that really is half a block, and so on. This is a realization of "manual".

If I have a network software, Article I search (using the software installed on my PC) If there is no stock, I check the stock availability in the local press another key such as "F2". This would be a search "automatic" ue consume 3-4 seconds

Software developer for commercial enterprises will have a better perspective on their work if they gain experience theoretical / practical topics such as operations management, which are management issues. This will give you another view to the development of quality software and above all much more clearly understood that the software is for use by the developer, but the company itself, through its workers, the growth and development of it.


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