Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In this way man reap the sweet and bitter Planting Himself. " J Allen

"The Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruit; In this way the man garner in the sweet and bitter fruits which he sows."

Our actions are our ticket to our position in life. At some point in life, many thought ~ as I get here? Regardless of all actions taken at the time, conscious or unconscious of its effect, we would link to an environment, a family, a job, a son, a bad love, bad life, an addiction and countless other things, but all at a future with which we may not know to do to be so different from our essence. Our thinking was developed linked to circumstances that are unavoidable and uncontrollable when you are born and when you're still a child, but there are thousands of opportunities to divert the roads bad stretches.

When we cut the umbilical cord and we become aware that we are spiritually, physically and socially independent excuses we have no more fear to take actions that put us on our way Ramoni reign where only your heart, feel and future.

Many miss this goal and many do not even know that there exists and our share of world convulsed and full of beings in search of happiness based on the outside. My humble opinion is if now that you know you're in the wrong way, if your heart breaks now by default and not by satisfaction whether it be now that you need to start telling you my life because I do not recognize this then acts, still not too late to reap sweet fruits Ileana

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