Sunday, September 9, 2012

Secrets of Great Customer Service - Follow these 6 simple tips

Good customer service is one of the most important part of your business. It 's important to get regular customers, the backbone of most companies. And unhappy customers are always quick to spread their misery. So here are some tips on customer service:

1. Be polite and use appropriate style.

This is a must. Your customers will respect you more if you act and sound professional. And many people also take offense at being addressed familiarly.

2. The customer is always right.

This is an old saying, but always true. The problem may be at fault or the customer's side, but you should never say this outright. If this is a problem with him, tell him the steps to solve the problem and to be understanding. And, if the problem is on your side, do not be afraid to apologize and explain the problem, if the situation merits.

3. Offer a refund if the problem is too serious.

Some customers will not dare ask for a refund, even if it is appropriate, given the situation. Tell them something that will pay them if they wish, even if you have a clear guarantee displayed on your site.

4. Be willing to go the extra mile.

It's the little things that count. When you can do more than asked not to be afraid, your customers will love you for it. For example, you can use images, screenshots and samples to answer a question rather than just describe with words, or send a thank you note written by hand with your physical products.

5. Make your customer feel comfortable asking questions.

Answer all the questions that are received promptly and politely. The fact that they can not take part in your latest promotion or buy your latest product is no less important to their application. It may be less profitable for you, but your customers could not care less about these things. Who knows, they might be planning a big purchase, or would have if they had been treated well.

6. Always follow-up if you expect a problem.

It is not necessary to follow your customers every step of the way. But if you notice a problem, or simply answering a question is particularly complicated, it is best to make sure that everything is resolved before moving forward. Making it easier to contact you if there is still something wrong....

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